Solutions For Mixing Of Secure And Insecure Data On A Web Page
The underline explanations help to understand the scenario of the user on browsing website upon summoning web page that has insecure constituents
The scenario of the Problem
When a user visits a website summons a page by typing https:// connection a broken padlock icon may pop up in the web browser window furthermore a warning message may also be received in their browser. Moreover, the whole website display is wrecked in terms of the true display as designed. Let us elaborate our point of view on the scope of different browsers available today.
How Mozilla Firefox will open a website?
By not using secure web browsing options as mentioned above the overall display of the website is catastrophic because of images no concatenation with the http protocol
How Microsoft Explorer Will Display The Aforementioned Case.
If not complied with the right protocol the same scenario of the display will persist even by using Internet Explorer. This means it is the protocol that is necessary to display the rightfully selected designed not the explorer.
In last Our Research With Google Chrome Display Reveals
In order to fully secure a website from hackers, 256-bit encryption is the basic to start with security. This means that not only images but also the text uploaded on the website should be secured in order for correct display as well even by https protocol irrespective of any browser.
Origin Of The Problem
The Origin of the above anomaly as discussed occurs when a webpage consists of a hyperlink to insecure data. For instance, the following HTML snippet :

So by analyzing the above code and embarking a scenario on it that if the developer uses a hyperlink non secured by http:// resource (a. jpg file).
if the user tries to secure browsing by using standard https:// protocols, user will be unable to browse the summoned file as developer has non secured by using falsified protocol that is totally incorrect. Which will result in imperfect browsing moreover a jeopardy for the whole website along with the data uploaded for the User.
This problem can occur with any type of hyperlinked resource file: a JavaScript library, a CSS file.
Solution of the Problem
Following are the solutions are deployed to solve above problems
First Possible Solution
HTTP Response is the best solution of recent times. This response header dictate web browser to refurbish insecure request to HTTPS.For Apache web servers on Linux, add the following lines to the .htaccess file (or files) that you use on your website:

Second Possible Solution
Alternatively, you can use the following meta tag in the source files of your site pages: